Top 5 IoT Trends – Talk with Institution of Engineers

Top 5 IoT Trends – Talk with Institution of Engineers

Institution of engineers (IEI) is one of the most popular body that brings engineers from various discipline together they have different chapters across the country driving more collaboration and community based activities among engineers.

I got an invitation from Institution of engineers Salem, Tamilnadu chapter to provide a webinar about IoT as a part of 40th year celebration. Since this body consisted of engineers from different disciplines, I took a use-case based approach and mapped it with IoT. Luckily my previous speaker covered the topic of water treatment best practices in a large scale public sector company. I could streamline my thoughts by taking that itself as a use case and how applying IoT and digitizing the whole workflow can result in better efficiency, predictability maintainability and eventually resulting in better return on investment. 

PFB link to recorded video: