My favorite WOMMA examples

After reading Andy’s word-of-mouth marketing (WOMMA) book, I was thinking my favorite WOMMA examples. Here is the list came right on top of my mind


Word-of-mouth strategy

Bata chappals

Pricing their products with ‘95 paisa’. (Rupees 199.95, Rupees 99.95 etc…). It has created hell lot of talking among consumers and even today. If not anything Bata has provided an interesting reason for people to talk about them. Costs nothing!

Virgin Mobile

Increasing customer base is the top priority of Indian telecom service provides. Virgin mobile has come up with their new idea of ‘paying for incoming’. Nobody knows about the intricacies yet. But it has already generated enough word of mouth among people by making them curious. Check out more details here.


When they started it, only gave accounts to power users with some specific number of invitations. It created curiosity among others to get a Gmail ID. Added to that, cool features like unlimited storage created excellent word-of-mouth. Most of my friends are using Gmail today and hotmail, rediff, Yahoo are totally out of fashion.

Landmark forum

This is the best WOMMA example I can ever think of. For the seminar series, they won’t do any advertisements, campaigns, posters etc. Every person who takes the course, in-turn becomes an ambassador thereby bringing more people for future seminar series. Check out this link to know more about the course.

What are your favorites?

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  1. I can think about some more examples (book might already cover these but I havent read the book):
    1. Orkut
    2. Gtalk
    3. Yahoo Messenger
    4. Flickr
    5. Google Earth
    6. Google Picassa
    7. AOL Courses
    8. iPOD

  2. Anonymous

    I think you forgot the most obvious one yet:
    You Tube.

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